I think my fellow Eagle Syndrome friends
deserve to know the progress I made since having surgery. I am very happy with the outcome to say the
least. I honestly can’t complain about
the little pain and discomfort I experience at times.
The tinnitus I have are some days annoying
especially when the humidity is very high.
Not sure whether that will clear after I have my left side done. I don’t have a date on that side simply
because I want to put it off for as long as I can. We all know the risks and the benefits and I
simply don’t want to put my body through surgery if it is not absolutely necessary.
To be quite honest I think I am just terrified of being on the operating table
for such a long period of time.
The facial numbness I still experience is
very mild and the overall sensation is returning to normal slowly but
surely. I remember with my cervical spine
surgery it took over 12 months to fully restore so to speak.
I hope this puts a lot of fellow sufferers
mind at ease. If you have a surgeon who
has a good solid knowledge and experience in the neck, face and throat area you
have your life back!
Please feel free to contact me – I don’t mind
at all. Just remember: Don’t give up,
press on!